The department of Dermatology at Global Hospital Jabalpur is dedicated to providing the highest level of care to our patients and also furthering the field of dermatology through clinical research and several years of experience. The Global Hospital Jabalpur takes a comprehensive and thorough approach to patient care with outstanding clinicians who provide expertise in all speciality areas of dermatology and dermatologic surgery.
We are a major centre of the region in the diagnosis and treatment of Skin Cancers, Pigmented Lesions and Melanoma, Wound Healing, Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser Surgery, Autoimmune Diseases of the Skin, Hair Disorders, Psoriasis, Acne, Eczema and Contact Dermatitis, Infectious Diseases of the Skin, Ethnic Skin Disorders and Disorders of Pigmentation, Complex Medical Dermatology in the inpatient setting, and Pediatric Dermatology.
Our Dermatologists have diverse and unique interests and together we are capable of meeting all your dermatologic needs.
The Department also provides outstanding diagnostic services with the Skin Pathology Laboratory that allows our clinicians to provide proper diagnosis of the patient’s skin biopsy and specimens.